Tragedy is performed between our hands
stained by sperm and rejection
I'll emasculate my useless sex
I'll maim the god you forced to grow inside
in this room of shattered beds
and images of obsessed skin
The dead soldiers inside the bottle
got frozen in the sin-stained snow
They marched into a lost war
Courageous under Christ as a flag
Now they’re body bags to be counted
under the burning sun of the mayhem
Your tongue talks to me about shed blood
Your thighs talks to me about centuries of wetness
And I drag you with me to the torture garden:
Face on the ground, tied by chameleons
and leatherette dragonflies
The cruel reason of our existence
only yielded before the master
whom I'll kill to offer you its heart
which you’ll feed your prayers with
We are two growing up inside the freedom of three
An orgy that scrapes eternity
The dead soldiers inside the bottle
find the corruption of their soul
and rejoice in the mirage of their loneliness
They cut their hands open to stoke us
And we fall into a comfortable drowsiness
long forgotten in the nights of alcohol
Your tongue talks to me about violence and sorrow
Your thighs talks to me about the never found pleasure
And I drag you with me to the torture garden:
On your back, whipped by iguanas
And steel butterflies
A new beginning doesn’t mean anything but
a new path towards an end
Raped in the satisfaction of being you
my body renounces its own being
We walk hand in hand again
into the cruelty of our delight
“Father of all mercies and God of all consolation,
you pursue us with untiring love
and dispel the shadow of death
with the bright dawn of life”
Your tongue talks to me about executed victims
Your thighs talks to me about an infected faith
And I drag you with me to the torture garden
Hung and penetrated by my entire body:
A whip of skin and despair
I'll cry over your forehead
I'll cry over your back
I'll cry
But you’ll soothe
my pierced veins
and my solitude
(dedicata al mio cuore romano, Dio-F & Simone H, grazie ragazzo per l'ispirazione)